New Deadline and Eligibility for Adjunct Faculty Research Fund (2021)

Dear BCF colleagues,

We want to make sure you saw these important updates from the Provost’s Office about the Class of 1960 Adjunct Faculty Research Fund (below). The eligibility requirements have been expanded (due to the timeline for adjunct reappointments), and the deadline has been extended by two weeks to Tuesday, Feb. 9. 

If you have questions, please contact Bobby O’Rourke in the Provost’s Office ( or Reshmi Mukherjee of the faculty Grants Committee ( We are also happy to field any questions and point you in the right direction.

In solidarity,

Siobhan and Todd

[1/22 email from Provost’s Office]

Dear Faculty,  

We would like to announce a change in the eligibility requirements for the 1960 Adjunct Faculty Research Fund. Given the timeline for adjunct teaching reappointment, we have waived the requirement that adjunct faculty must return to teaching in the academic year following the research award, and are therefore opening up applications for all adjunct faculty who have been teaching at the College for three or more academic years. 

The guidelines and application for submissions can be found on this page: 

We have extended the deadline for applying to the research fund application by 2 weeks. The new deadline for the 1960 Adjunct Faculty Research Fund is February 9th, 2021. 

If there are any questions, please contact Bobby O’Rourke ( or Reshmi Mukherjee ( 

The Office of the Provost

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